Mental wellbeing is essential for a happy and productive life, but it can be hard to know where to start or how to keep going.
Most people think that they need therapy or medication in order to improve their mental wellbeing, but this isn’t always the case. In fact, self-paced workbooks can be a great way to start improving your mental wellbeing without spending a lot of money or time.
FigJam Therapy offers self-paced workbooks that are designed to help you improve your mental wellbeing. Our workbooks are affordable, easy-to-use, and backed by science. We have a wide range of workbooks that cover topics like anxiety, depression, stress management, and more.
Types of Resources
There are a number of different types of resources that can be used to improve mental wellbeing. FigJam Therapy offers self-paced workbooks that are a great way to start improving your mental wellbeing without spending a lot of money or time.
Some other types of resources include:
- Podcasts
- Videos
- Articles
- Workbooks
Benefits of Self-Paced Workbooks
There are a number of benefits to using self-paced workbooks to improve mental wellbeing. FigJam Therapy offers workbooks that are:
Affordable – Workbooks are a fraction of the cost of therapy or medication. When you are trying to improve your mental wellbeing, cost should not be a barrier.
Easy-to-use – Workbooks can be started and completed at your own pace. You can work on them for as little or as long as you want, and you can start and stop them as needed.
Backed by science – FigJam Therapy’s workbooks are based on proven psychological techniques. This means that they are effective and can help you to improve your mental wellbeing.
Wide range of topics – FigJam Therapy offers workbooks on a wide range of topics, so you can find one that is right for you. Whether you are struggling with anxiety, depression, stress, or something else, we have a workbook that can help.
If you are looking for worksheets to use with clients of your own, please see our website for professionals FigJam Aus | Social Work Services.