There is a lot of debate over whether sleeping on your stomach helps with anxiety or not. Some people swear by it, while others say that it makes no difference whatsoever. So, what’s the truth? Does sleeping on your stomach help with anxiety or not?
The answer is not a straightforward one. While there is no scientific evidence that proves sleeping on your stomach actually reduces anxiety, some research suggests it can be beneficial for certain people. For example, some studies have found that people who sleep in the prone position (on their stomachs) experience less overall muscle tension and less tossing and turning throughout the night.
Additionally, sleeping on your stomach may help reduce anxiety by allowing for a deeper level of relaxation. When you sleep on your stomach, you don’t have to worry about adjusting pillows and blankets or struggling to find a comfortable position that supports your neck and spine. This can create a more relaxed atmosphere where it is easier to drift off into a deeper sleep.
Read more about anxiety versus fear in our blog post here.
It is not recommended that sleeping on your stomach can effectively help with anxiety. There is not enough evidence to suggest that it could be a beneficial form of treatment for reducing symptoms of anxiety and stress. In fact, some believe that the pressure from lying in this position can increase feelings of nervousness or tension.
When you sleep on your stomach, you can constrict your diaphragm, which can make it difficult to breathe deeply. Additionally, sleeping in this position has been associated with a number of other issues such as neck and back pain, digestive problems, and even sleep apnea. It is important to find the most comfortable and supportive sleep position for you that will help reduce stress or anxiety levels. Generally, people find that back sleeping is the most comfortable position for managing anxiety. It helps to reduce pressure points and allows your body to fully relax while providing adequate air flow through your diaphragm. Additionally, finding other relaxation techniques or stress management tools can be beneficial in reducing symptoms of anxiety.
Overall, sleeping on your stomach might not be the ideal position for managing anxiety. It is important to explore other options and find out what works best for you in terms of calming your mind and reducing stress levels. Finding a comfortable and supportive position that allows you to rest deeply is key to reducing anxiety. Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can also be beneficial for managing stress levels. Additionally, speaking with your doctor or therapist can help you find effective ways of dealing with anxiety.
If you’re anxious about trying to sleep on your stomach and think it might help, talk with your doctor or therapist about different options for managing anxiety. Remember, the most important thing is finding what works best for you to reduce stress levels and get a good night’s rest.